


    Dental Centre Turkey Ltd. is a facilitator for dental services provided by independent local clinics in Turkey. 


    This guarantee is provided by the dental clinic and is conditional upon you entering into a contract with the local clinic whereby dental services are provided to you. 

    Many patients choosing to travel abroad for dental treatment often overlook the dental guarantee. Equally, many clinics do not show the terms and conditions of the guarantee they are offering. Globally, it is not a legal requirement for a dental clinic to provide any form of guarantee. As this is so it is something that should be asked before booking your treatment, as many dental clinics do not offer any form of guarantee. A simple note stating a treatment comes with a 5-year guarantee explains little or nothing in terms of what is actually covered. Dental Centre Turkey prides itself on ensuring patients are provided by the local clinic, with a transparent dental guarantee showing the full details of the guarantee terms and conditions, which are written in a language that is easy to understand. Below you will find one of the most extensive guarantees available for patients seeking treatment at home or abroad. The team of Dentists, Surgeons and Dental Technicians make every effort to ensure your treatment is carried out to the highest possible standard. In case of a failure of the laboratory works the local clinic will cover all necessary dental and laboratory costs to rectify the issue upon your return. In cases of small adjustments, the local clinic will make a single contribution to you having corrective treatment in your home country. Please be aware that the number of patients needing to return for corrective treatment is very low; however, that said, you can be sure that should you experience any issues you are offered a legitimate guarantee.

    The majority of the dental treatments provided by the local clinics are covered by a guarantee. In the event of any defect of dentistry provided by the local clinics in connection with Dental Centre Turkey, included under the terms of the guarantee, necessary remedial works will be provided by the original provider of the dental treatment and at no charge. The guarantee is neither transferable within the group of local clinics or outside it. Charges for any dental treatment whether remedial or otherwise incurred by dental clinics not connected with the local clinics or Dental Centre Turkey will not be reimbursed unless specifically agreed in writing by an authorised representative of Dental Centre Turkey and before such treatment is sought or effected, such authority is not available retrospectively. Dental Centre Turkey is the facilitator of your dental treatment and as such is not to be held liable in any issue arising from the dental treatment. In the event of a dispute Dental Centre Turkey will guide you through the appropriate procedure in order to give effect to the guarantee, subject to its terms and conditions. 

    Below is a list of the treatments covered by guarantee and the period for which they are covered:

    Dental Implants - Lifetime Guarantee 


    The Implant screw itself is guaranteed against fracturing or breaking for a lifetime. If the Dental Implant fails (Global statistics show a 5% failure rate) the clinic will replace it once without charge 


    Dental Crowns / Full Veneers - 5 Year Guarantee 

    Dental Crowns/ Full Veneers and Dental Implant Crowns are guaranteed against breakages, chipping or cement failure for a period of 5 years. Should you require minor repairs such as a white composite restoration or re-cementing of your Dental Crowns/ Full Veneers, the clinic will make a single maximum contribution of €100 towards you having the issue resolved in your home country. 


    Dental Bridges - 5 Year Guarantee 

    Dental Bridges are guaranteed against breakages, chipping or cement failure for a period of 5 years. Should you require minor repairs such as a white composite restoration or re-cementing of your Dental Bridge, the clinic will make a single maximum contribution of €100 towards you having the issue resolved in your home country. 

    Maryland Bridges - 1 Year Guarantee 

    Maryland bridges are an effective dental restoration option, offering aesthetic replacement for missing teeth with minimal alteration to adjacent teeth. The VIP clinics provide a one-year guarantee against material defects, thus ensuring the quality of bridge construction and the materials used, addressing concerns directly within the control of the Cosmetic Dentist or laboratory. However, it is not possible to guarantee against the detachment of these bridges over any period. This limitation is due to several factors beyond the control of the Cosmetic Dentist and laboratory, including the patient's oral hygiene, the health of adjacent teeth and gums, and personal habits that could impact the stability of the bridge, such as teeth grinding. Additionally, the longevity of the bond between the bridge and natural teeth may be influenced by natural wear and tear or forceful biting, contributing to potential detachment.


    Dental Laminate Veneers 3 Year Guarantee 

    Dental Laminate Veneers are guaranteed against breakages, chipping or cement failure for a period of 3 years. Should you require minor repairs such as a white composite restoration or re-cementing of your Dental Laminate Veneers, the clinic will make a single maximum contribution of €100 towards you having the issue resolved in your home country. 


    Dental Lumineers - 3 Year Guarantee 

    Dental Lumineers are guaranteed against breakages, chipping or cement failure for a period of 3 years. Should you require minor repairs such as a white composite restoration or re-cementing of your Dental Lumineers, the clinic will make a single maximum contribution of €100 towards you having the issue resolved in your home country. 


    Dental Fillings - 1 Year Guarantee 

    Dental Fillings are guaranteed against falling away from your natural tooth for a period of 1 year. Should you require minor repairs, the clinic will make a single maximum contribution of €30 towards you having the issue resolved in your home country.  


    Dental Inlays/ Onlays - 2 Year Guarantee 

    Dental Inlays and Onlays are guaranteed against breakages, chipping or cement failure for a period of 2 years. Should you require minor repairs such as a white composite restoration or re-cementing of your Inlay or Onlay, the clinic will make a maximum single contribution of €50 towards you having the issue resolved in your home country.


    Cosmetic Dentures - 1 Year Guarantee 

    Cosmetic Dentures are guaranteed against breakages for a period of 1 year. Should you require minor repairs to your Cosmetic Denture, the clinic will reimburse the cost for you to have the issue resolved in your home country up to the value of €30.  


    Below is a list of the treatments not covered by guarantee: 


    Root Canal Treatment 

    Due to the human body, we are unable to provide any form of guarantee for Root Canal Treatment. 


    Dental Post 

    Dental Posts are applied to weak teeth that need added strength and stability. It is often the case that Core Build Up or a Dental Crown is then placed over the post. Due to the human body and the damage that previously occurred to the tooth no form of guarantee is available for this treatment. 


    Dental Treatment Instigated by Another Dentist or Clinic 


    If you have started treatment in another dental clinic and we have been requested to complete the treatment please be aware that as we are not responsible for all of the treatment carried out, should an issue arise there could be a dispute as to which clinic is responsible. We are therefore unable to provide any form of guarantee in this instance.

    Limitations of Dental Guarantee for Replacement Treatments

    This guarantee does not cover issues arising from original dental work performed at another clinic. Such issues include but are not limited to:

    1.    Sensitivity:

    New Sensitivity: Patients may experience new sensitivity in treated and surrounding areas.

    Increase in Existing Sensitivity: Pre-existing sensitivity may worsen due to new treatment.

    2.    Infection:

    Development of Infection: Infection may develop at the new treatment site or adjacent teeth due to conditions from previous dental work or further tooth preparation.

    Spread of Infection: Existing infections or conditions from the original treatment may spread or worsen.

    3.    Root Canal Treatment:

    Necessity for Root Canal: Root canal treatment may be needed due to complications from previous treatments, such as deep decay or trauma, or further preparation of teeth required when replacing existing treatment.

    Failure of Previous Root Canal: Previous root canal treatments may fail, requiring further intervention.

    4.    Extraction:

    Requirement for Extraction: Teeth involved in previous treatment may need extraction due to structural weakness, decay, or damage not rectified by the original treatment or further preparation of teeth required when replacing existing treatment.

    Complications Post-Extraction: Post-extraction complications may arise, including prolonged healing times and issues with adjacent teeth.

    Extraction of Existing Implants: Existing implants may need extraction due to failure, infection, or incompatibility with new treatments.

    5.    Replacement:

    Need for Replacement: Additional replacement of the dental restoration or affected tooth may be needed if initial replacement does not resolve issues from the original treatment or due to further preparation of teeth required when replacing existing treatment..

    Frequent Replacements: Multiple replacements may be necessary if complications persist.

    Further Preparation of Teeth: Replacement may require additional tooth preparation, leading to complications such as tooth structure weakening and increased sensitivity.

    6.    Material Incompatibility:

    Incompatibility of Materials: Issues may arise from incompatibility between original and new materials, leading to failure or complications.

    Allergic Reactions: Potential allergic reactions to new materials that interact adversely with residues of old materials.

    7.    Structural Compromise:

    Weakening of Teeth: Teeth weakened by the original treatment may fracture or suffer other damage, requiring extraction.

    Damage to Surrounding Tissues: Surrounding gums and bone may be affected, leading to additional complications.

    Bone Loss: Risk of bone loss around the treated area, especially if previous treatments compromised bone structure or existing implants need to be extracted.

    8.    Periodontal Problems:

    Development of Periodontal Issues: New or worsening gum problems may arise, particularly if the original treatment did not address periodontal health.

    Gum Recession: Recession of the gums around the treated area may occur, causing sensitivity and aesthetic concerns.

    9.    Alignment Issues:

    Changes in Bite: The new treatment may alter bite or alignment, especially if the original treatment impacted the dental structure.

    Jaw Pain: Misalignment can lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues and jaw pain.

    10.    Other Complications:

    Prolonged Healing Times: Healing may be longer due to pre-existing conditions or complications from previous treatments.

    Adjacent Teeth Issues: Problems with adjacent teeth may arise, including movement, damage, or decay, particularly if the original treatment affected surrounding teeth.




    The Guarantee will be invalidated in the following circumstances: 

    • If oral hygiene is neglected.
    • If the patient does not have a routine dental check-up to include a Panoramic X-Ray and a Scale and Polish at least once a year (invoice required).
    • If the Dentists’/ Oral Surgeons’ instructions are not followed.
    • If the patient fails to fulfil their payment obligations.
    • If subsequent treatment is carried out to the treatment originally effected in the local clinic without prior authorisation (with the exception of Scale and Polish treatments).
    • If removable restorations such as partial or full dentures are not kept and maintained properly.
    • Temporary teeth by their very nature cannot be guaranteed against for either breakage or the need for re-cementation.
    • If the patient’s gum tissue or bone recedes or deteriorates.
    • If nail biting is deemed to be a contributing factor to your dental issues.
    • Not attending any appointment given by the local dental clinic will void the guarantee in its entirety.
    • The patient is involved with contact sports or sporting and associated leisure activities that may cause dental health issues or injury.
    • Smoking is a contributing cause to your dental issues.
    • The indulging in any activities or drugs that are known to artificially raise or reduce your blood pressure.
    • In the event the patient wears tooth/ teeth grillz or jewellery which is attached to the teeth, tongue or lips on a temporary or permanent basis.
    • The use of recreational or prescribed drugs or supplements, herbal or otherwise, other than those declared at the time of the dental work carried out.
    • In the event of accidental damage, for example dropping the denture or damage by a third party.
    • In the event that the same or similar dental issue continues to arise and is therefore considered a recurring or reoccurring issue that may be unrelated to the dentistry itself, the clinic reserves the right to advise you to visit a specialist or a medical professional for further tests that may be directly or indirectly related to dentistry. The responsibility of the costs incurred will be that of the patient.
    • The avoidance of such advice will automatically void your dental guarantee.
    • In the event that the Dental Implant migrates to whatever degree.
    • In the event that the Bone Grafting is rejected.
    • A general illness is present which has or has had adverse effects on the chewing organ, jawbone or tissue to include but not limited to: diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, excessive X-rays, mental disorders or chemotherapy.
    • Inappropriate selection of the colour and shape and size of the dental prosthetic or prosthesis by the patient. During the preparation period, patients are given the opportunity to choose their colour preference however, the clinic cannot be held responsible for the decision of the patient if they decide later that they do not like the colour or shape they originally chose. 
    • Excessive grinding/ bruxism.
    • Pregnancy may be the cause of your dental issues.
    • Occasionally teeth suffer preparation trauma during crown and bridgework resulting in the need for root canal treatment. The dental clinic is not liable for any issue, which was not visible on the patient's final x-ray, and was not foreseeable or predictable, at the time of treatment.
    • If a substantial gain or loss in weight occurs.
    • If a gum shield is provided by the clinic and not worn as advised.
    • In the event that the patient was pregnant at the time of treatment and did not disclose their circumstances.
    • In the event that the patient is under the age of 18 at the time of treatment and did not disclose their actual age. 
    • If the patient has been provided with a prescription and the prescription is not obtained or is obtained but not taken as per the instructions provided. In such event, the clinic reserves the right to void any and all aspects of the dental guarantee. 
    • If the patient fails to return for the completion of dental treatment within 12 months of their last signed consent form, such treatments to include but not limited to, Dental Implants/ Implant Crowns and Dental Bridges after extraction. 
    • To take advantage of dental treatment provided within the terms of the dental guarantee the patient is required to return for the provision of treatment to the clinic that provided the original treatment within 12 months of informing Dental Centre Turkey of the issue, in writing, by email. If pain is reported and you are advised to return to the local clinic for investigation with a view to corrective treatment being provided as a matter of urgency, your return date should be within 30 days of any recommendation to return. To enable your return, Dental Centre Turkey Ltd. can provide a letter to your employer stating the need for you to return due to clinical necessity. No contribution towards flight costs (as mentioned in the Guarantee Terms) will be made if travel is later than 30 days following the recommendation to return.



    If you have any questions about your dental guarantee, please get in touch with us via email: [email protected]